New This Year

Appointment Scheduling - ENGAGElive

ENGAGElive streamlines scheduling and meetings at Hall of Flowers. Exhibitors can request meetings with retailers who have control over their own schedules. This allows both parties to make valuable connections and optimize their time at Hall of Flowers.

Farmers & Small Batch

Introducing our new affordable exhibit option for Farmers and Small Batch producers to showcase their bulk products at Hall of Flowers. With a clean and modern presentation approach, exhibitors will benefit from maximum exposure to brands, retailers, and industry professionals.

NFC Wristbands

Exhibitors can now easily scan and collect the information of retailers who visit their booth, making it a simple to capture contact information from interested retailers. This means no more manual data entry or collecting business cards, saving valuable time and improving overall efficiency.

Official After Party

Prepare to have your mind blown while blowing smoke at After Dark by Gelato, one of the most anticipated industry parties of the year happening exclusively at Hall of Flowers. This marks the first official after party Hall of Flowers has ever thrown in its hometown of Santa Rosa, California. Expect an open bar, a Gelato-stocked smoke lounge, and a wild, colorful, theme that will light up the night.